The Isle of Wight has a number of resident reptile species including
the Common Lizard, Wall Lizard, Adder, Grass
Snake and the Slow Worm.
Reptiles do not generate enough internal heat to maintain a constant
body temperature and
are thus referred to as 'cold-blooded'. Which
means that they rely on gathering and losing heat from the environment
to regulate their internal temperature, this means that generally the
best places to spot them are the more exposed areas, for example grassland,
particularly on the downs and cliff edges, which are a preferred home
to Common Lizards.
Ventnor in particular has a healthy population of lizards and they
can often be seen sunbathing on sunny walls and along the coastal footpaths.
The Wall Lizard, a native of Southern Europe is thought
to have been introduced many years ago and is quite at home soaking
up the rays in Ventnor's sunny climate. Keep your eyes open as it can
often be spotted sitting in cracks and crevices on stonewalls and in
the Botanic Gardens.
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