The Isle of Wight is home to over two hundred species of birds; this guide just covers the most common and those that you are most likely to see. Also included are some of the gems that are considered rare or an infrequent visitor that would be a true find if you were to get a chance to see it.

As already mentioned, the Island has a great choice of habitats, so there is plenty to see no matter where you go. Being a relatively small Island, you are never far from the coast and with the three large rivers and several creeks this makes the Island especially good for ducks, Brent Geese and waders.  

In amongst the mudflats and reed beds you can find several species such as the Kingfisher, Oystercatcher, Curlew, and Reed Bunting. The duck species cover varieties such as the Common Mallard, which is found all over, through to the Pintail, which is particularly found at Newtown and is considered a flagship species.

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