Other species that are regular fixtures are the tall and majestic Grey Heron and the eye catching Little Egret. Down by the seashore you enter yet another dimension of birding with Gulls and Cormorants setting down among the rocky crags, particularly after or just before bad weather.  

Straying away from the waters edge, one can find an equally impressive range of small birds in and amongst the fields and forests. The Yellowhammer and the Skylark, once regulars in the fields of the British countryside are now considered to be at risk and both can be found in the fields around Newtown and right along the south coast.

The Robin and the Wren, though regularly spotted, always make for pleasant company. The former is often heard before it is seen whilst the latter may be mistaken for a small rodent as it scurries amongst the undergrowth. Although small, the Wren is beaten to the title of Britain's smallest by the tiny Goldcrest. Considered quite common in gardens, the Goldcrest is also a winter visitor to the fields around the Western Yar.  

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